lørdag 3. januar 2009

Chuck Norris!

I det siste har ae lurt paa my rart, for eksempel;

- Koffer e det normalt for Thailandske 13-aaringa aa kjoer bil te skolen
- Koffer e det bare ae som syns det e spesielt aa faarraa paa impulshandel og kjoep 3 dyre digitalkamera
- Koffer kom det iloepet av under 20 min, 5 delivery-motorsykla fra KFC, 3 fra McDonalds, 3 fra Pizza Company og 2 fra Pizza Hut utenfor skolen min en dag
...and so on

Dessuten saa har Lisa introdusert mae te naa av det morsomste ae har hoert paa leng.
Ae veit itj om det e bare mae som ikke vesst at i heile verden finnes det vitsa om Chuck Norris?
Uansett, det gjoer det, og daem e UTROLIG morsom. Her ska daakk faa naann smakebita.
(Hvis daakk ikke veit kaem Chuck Norris e, saa foreslaar ae wikipedia. Du veit kaem han e sjoe)

- Chuck Norris always sleeps with the lights on. Not because he is afraid of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris

- Chuck Norris sleeps with a pillow under his gun

- When Chuck Norris falls out of a boat, he doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris

- When monsters go to sleep, they check for Chuck Norris under their bed

- Chuck Norris doesn't have hair on his testicles, because hair does not grow on steel

- Death once had a near-Chuck-Norris experience

- Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone

- They once made a Chuck Norris toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody

- Chuck Norris can play the violin with the piano

- Chuck Norris once punched a man in the soul

- Chuck Norris likes to knit sweaters in his free time. And by "knit," I mean "kick", and by "sweaters," I mean "babies".

- The only time Chuck Norris was wrong, was when he thought he made a mistake

- The last digit of pi is Chuck Norris. He is the end of all things.

- When God said "Let there be light," Chuck Norris said "Say please"

- Chuck Norris does not know where you live, but he knows where you will die

- There is no "ctrl"-button on Chuck Norris' computer. Chuck Norris is always in control

- Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he just stares at them untill he has the information he wants

- Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding (les; hvor er willy)

- Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

Og saa videre :D
Haha I loves it.

Har du forresten tatt dae en fortune cookie idag?
Neeeederst paa bloggen min kan du ta dae ei kake! =)

Snakkeees ~

4 kommentarer:

Marte sa...

TORHILD DU HENG ETTER!! Og ja æ tror du e den eneste i verden som itj visst om dæm vitsan. Og æ må lægg t at dæm som e så godt som likens om Lars Monsen e artigar :D

Tok mæ ei kake æ:
"You have an ambitious nature and will make a name for yourself."

og wæh; VI BLIR ATTEN SNAART. kan æ forresten få adressa di i den sammenheng? ; )

Kariaanne sa...

Haha, Torhild da. Chuck Norris e no old news ;)

Anonym sa...

Æ visst ikke om Chuck Norris-vitsan. Æ heng jo alltid etter :(

Raghild Kjesbu Drøsshaug sa...

chuck Norris and Superman had a fight. the loser had to wear his underwear over his pants.

go figure:)